Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Ethics Class is Bulls***, Part II

If you've been following along, you may know that my Ethics/Professional Responsibility class is utter nonsense. If not, I promise you, it is. Today's reason: the reading for today's class taught me the following gems:
  • It is bad to get into fistfights with other lawyers
  • You should not complain to appellate judges that the trial judge is a moron/incompetent/an asshole
  • When one lawyer asks for discovery, you should not hide the materials he wants (in other words, you should obey the law, which compels you to hand over such materials)
Really? Boy, I'm sure learning in this class...

Also, I am taking the Ethics portion of the bar exam on Saturday. My professors (there are TWO) have not made one mention of this test. Which I am taking on Saturday. And which, I'm pretty sure, does not ask "It is ok to punch other lawyers. True or False?"

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