Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Fabulous People of Subway Restaurant

My job decided that I should go to some fast food restaurants to ask for free food for an event we are hosting. I went to Taco Bell relatively without incident, and then it was off to Subway. I walked in and asked if there was a manager on duty. I was told that there was not, so I was just going to give my letter of explanation to the cashier and ask him to pass it along. I told the guy that I was a law student from across the street and that I wanted free food in exchange for advertising at our event, and if he could just give my letter to the manager that would be great. Mr. Cashier proceeds to ask my name and introduce himself, which was nice. Next he asked where the law school was. I pointed to the big building right across the street, and said, that's it. That big new building that says "Wolf Law." That's the law school. Then he said that he wanted to go to law school but he's a felon. Someone told him that felons can't go to law school. First of all, felons can go to law school, and many do. They let convicted murderers practice law. Second, this guy did not strike me as the kind of person who was going to go to law school but something else came up. He wasn't very bright, and he works at Subway. You're pretty much overqualified for that job if you have a GED, and that won't get you in to CU Law. Third, why would you tell a total stranger that you are a felon? That was the most baffling part of all. How do you respond, "oh that's nice, I'm a non-felon." Seriously.

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