Friday, September 21, 2007


Eye surgery is cool and fast, but I'm blinder than a bat right now. And yes, still typing on the computer, albeit like Stevie Wonder with my eyes closed (seriously), and my nose about two inches from the screen when I open them to navigate. Ordering dinner was interesting, plus the side effects have been icky (with Rex, not the drugs). But what can you do. I still had to go online to do some work, and I'm bored because I can neither read nor watch television (I brought two books and a newspaper, plus about 5 dvds). But I can type, oh how I can type with my eyes closed (reading with eyes closed is MUCH harder). But, I loved the LASIK doctor, and I can already see much much better in my right eye. The left will be done later, and then I'll be able to SEE SEE SEE like a normal person!

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