You can call me old, and I often feel old, but let's be honest. 25 is not that old. Anyway, because I am a big nerd, I have been more acutely aware of the new -isms that crop up among young people (to whom I am exposed because I have a nineteen year old sister, and yes, I go to keg parties at her house). The example that is the subject of this post:
Facebook-isms. Walking up the stairs at the law school today, I hear a group of well-educated adults talking about the romantic status of their friends, and BP says, "Well, they were in [some town] this weekend and both of their relationship status' changed, so I think they broke up." Status, on Facebook. Half of the former relationship didn't call her to say, "wah wah I broke up with Jimmy," or something. Not even email. BP took
affirmative action to find out by looking on bloody Facebook. Which I think is creepy, although I suppose I am becoming ever more guilty of this action myself. Another example of this disturbing new language: the expression "Facebooking." It's a verb now? "The other day, I was facebooking and I found this great thing where I could throw a sheep at Susie." Facebooking itself is the action that generates all these new things we do, like finding out if our friends are dating by looking online. Is this supposed to be progress? At least someone made a lot of money by making us all creepy people who won't use the phone or communicate face-to-face.
MySpace is guilty of all of the same things as Facebook, and maybe more so since it's the older forum.
OMG, did you see on Susie's MySpace that Joanna is talking s*** about Mary? I, like, so can't believe that she did that. Joanna is such a b****, and I heard from Erin's MySpace that she slept with Bobby.
Whatever happened to privacy, and having some self respect for ourselves that we didn't broadcast all of this publicly?