Sunday, December 30, 2007
Belize it!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Miracle of Implanon
The next simplest thing was to take progestin-only pills, or POPs. These are the old fashioned kind of pills, from the 70s. You have to take them at a very specific time of day or else it's time for some Plan B. That whole "take it the next morning if you forgot one" thing doesn't work. That sucked, but what sucked more was that I had my period almost continuously from September through November. So I went back to the NP that I wanted to kick, because as it turns out she really is a great lady. I was about to get an IUD, which ran me the risk of perforation AND debilitating cramps for months on end. Period all the time, or cramps all the time? Gee, I don't know, they both sound SO fun. Depo is not an option because it causes serious calcium deficiency and that's just no good. Modern America, and a woman can't get some decent contraception.
But then, the miracle occurred. NP Gloria, my new best friend, showed me this magical thing called Implanon, which is an implantable birth control (it goes in your arm, much like Norplant, but without all the scary problems). It's new in this country, but has been available in Europe for 10 years (we're only a little slow on the uptake here). And it works for three years, and I don't have to do a thing after it's in. Sign me up, I tell NP Gloria. The only catch: check to make sure my insurance covers it, because it's $658. No problem.
But then, the meanies at Anthem Blue Cross tell me that Implanon is not a generic drug, it's not a brand name drug, it's this *other* category called non-formulary. So I cooked it in my basement, I ask the guy? No, it's just non-formulary [which, by it's very construction, means "without a formula." I swear, insurance is so f***ed in this country] he tells me. I try to reason with him that Implanon is a trade name, it is, in fact, a brand name drug. But there's no reasoning with insurance drones. I almost cry, because I don't have $658 kicking around.
Saved again: Mom says she'll pay (she's utterly and totally paranoid that I'm going to have about 6 babies RIGHT NOW). Nevermind that I assure her I won't, she is worried. Gloria orders up the implant, and I go to the health center to be the first CU student to subject myself to this new thing. It's a little scary, and I could have problems, but I'm willing to be a guinea pig.
Well, I got the implant. And I LOVE it. Absolutely LOVE it. I don't have to take a pill every day, it's more effective than sterilization, I can have sex whenever I want, and I haven't had my period for TWO weeks. Which, unfortunately, is miraculous. With a little luck, I'll start having it only a few times a year. (My mom did say to use back up protection when I'm ovulating, just in case. And I told her it's more effective than sterilization. I told you she was paranoid.)
To ice the cake, they are giving me the implant for free, because I was willing to submit as the first person to have it done by NP Gloria and at the health center, and because my insurance is butt-headed. Three years of miraculous, fabulous, baby-free life, for free. Hence, the miracle of Implanon.
P.S. if you want to know more, here is the website for the product.
CU Law Student Passed Away
"Authorities are investigating the death of a third-year University of Colorado law school student who died in an apartment Monday evening.
Counselors were available at the university Tuesday for those affected by the death of Jennifer Lee Shelton, whose family lives in Parker.
Foul play is not suspected in the woman's death, said Boulder police spokeswoman Julie Brooks. Neither drugs nor alcohol are thought to have played a role in the student's death, she said.
Dayna Matthew -- the law school's associate dean for academic affairs -- said the school is doing its best to keep students informed with up-to-date information."
I didn't know her, but it's awfully tragic.Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
"Free" Trade
Anyway, here is a New York Times article about free trade zones that raises yet another concern, related to counterfeit drugs. I know a number of people who order their drugs from Canadian pharmacies, and it's scary that the drugs they need to survive could be counterfeit, thanks to the black hole of free trade zones. It's such a shame that our country has not figured out how to serve its citizens so that we don't have to take such risks, but I know that the reason my friends use Canadian pharmacies is that they might otherwise have to choose whether or not to take their drugs at all, because they are so expensive here. I'm a relatively healthy 25-year old, I exercise, I eat well, I sleep enough, but still the drugs I take my mom pays for, because otherwise I would be making the choice- drugs or food? And she knows that, and sucks it up for me. What a country!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Puppy Mills, my kitty

Wondering where I've been?
When is there an agency relationship?
¶ US v. General Electric Co.
² Price fixing/anti-trust claim
³ Mfg is prohibited from dictating prices at which product is sold by distributors
² GE says distributors are agents and so are selling on behalf of GE: there’s an identity of interest between the principal and the agent
² By finding that GE was selling through agents, not independent distributors, the court found that there was no price fixing/dictating going on
² In GE, the product is being sold for GE’s benefit, not distributors benefit.
³ Commission (= paid agency)
« Can’t sell for a higher price than they are paying (contrast MAI). Principal fixed the price and agent just got the commission
² Arguments against agency
³ Salesman has to pay for storage and transportation, which argues against agency
« These actions are consistent with acting on one’s own behalf
³ Distributors were selling competing products
« Agency is a fiduciary relationship, and selling competing products and taking risk runs counter to this
o Fiduciary relationship arises when one party places trust and confidence in another, and as a result the law places certain obligations on the fiduciary
§ Discharge duties with care and be loyal to the beneficiary
§ Agent is a fiduciary
o Back to GE, the agent is not loyal in selling competing products
Wasn't that fun? I thought so.Friday, December 7, 2007
I should be shot for doing this a third time...

moar funny pictures
This one reminds me of GIR, and you are awesome if you know who GIR is:

moar funny pictures

moar funny pictures
An open letter
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Absinthe, part II
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Friends at Work
Monday, December 3, 2007
Crested Butte NY Times Mention
"A Victorian-era oldie but goldie, Crested Butte (800-810-7669;, far from the Aspen glitz in Colorado's outback southwest of Denver, is redefining itself as a family resort. The centerpiece of its $200 million renovation is the new Lodge at Mountaineer Square, a large condominium complex steps from the ski lift. The resort's moldy gothic building has been torn down and will be replaced by a 92-room luxury studio and retail complex called the Cimarron. And a former Club Med has been turned into a slopeside luxury hotel with spa."
I'm posting this only because I'm obsessed with my hometown, and love to see it mentioned! Also, the Gothic building was worse than moldy, and needed to go, so maybe those who associate such places with CB will take notice.