Friday, May 2, 2008

The NYT does NOT like Augusten today

I finally got around to perusing the New York Times today, because I am utterly sick of studying. One of their writers reviewed Augusten Burroughs' new book, a memoir about his father. Man oh man, did she hate this book. You might take a stop by the NY Times to read it, because she slams the hell out of him and it's actually kind of interesting to read. I, for one, will still be buying his book in hardcover. I actually liked Possible Side Effects and Magical Thinking, even though the reviewer says they were about nothing. That's the problem with book reviews--what you like is just that, a subjective preference. Though I have found spectacular reading material by following the New York Times' advice--maybe I'll hate A Wolf at the Table. Maybe I love anything that's not a casebook. Maybe you don't care. Now I'm just rambling to avoid studying the Clean Air Act anymore, because I am tired of reading about what the Administrator shall do. Even though he never does, because he's a government employee. Just like I might be one day.

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