Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A moment of optimism

I went to a legislative reception yesterday for all manner of environmental groups, which was a good way to spend time since, well, I want to work for one (really, any one) of them in the future. I got to tag along with my boss, The Representative, who thought she could introduce me around a bit. It's too bad that I'm so terrible at the small talk and all, and had to cling to The Representative like a barnacle...but still, it was a good event. After the embarassing gaffe of ordering a beer and then realizing that, oops, my wallet was totally empty (and having to borrow money from my boss), I met this person and that person, whilst the boss mentioned all around that I was a freshly minted attorney looking for work. A few people seemed at least somewhat receptive, and the real score came as I left and got an offer from an old professor to send along my resume. She offered to do whatever she could to help--that's the sort of thing I'm desperate for. It was also nice that she didn't seem daunted by the fact that I got a C+ in her class, or maybe she just didn't remember. Mostly I'm just mumbling on here, but I felt optimistic at the end of yesterday, a feeling that is somewhat hard to come by these days. I'm going to try to hold onto it, a feat I think I can imagine until the rejection letters (or worse, total silence) start rolling in. And I'm sure they will--by the truckload.

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