Friday, March 27, 2009

Two days off work...

We had a rather impressive snowstorm here yesterday (about 18 inches at my house), and because the traffic is known to get gnarly going to Denver, Rex and I decided not to go to work. Good call, because we heard it took some people 4 hours to make the commute, instead of 30 minutes. We got today off, too, because the House was in adjournment (I can only guess it's due to the snow).

Here's what I did instead of work:
  • Work. At least it felt like it. I've been applying to any job I might actually want. Several a day, which doesn't sound like much until you've done a application. They take FOREVER. (NB: I did not use the KSA service I told you about). Cross your fingers for me, and do let me know if you hear of any good enviro jobs in the Denver/Boulder area.
  • Walk to the grocery store. Our little cars would have none of the snowy, slushy, icy roads. So we walked, trudging through 18 inches of fluff. We got home soaking wet, feeling like kids. And it was good exercise!
  • Shovel snow. Lots of snow. With a garden shovel, since we only have one snow shovel.
  • Clean my kitchen. I am a winner. (Ok, it was filthy and long overdue).
  • Cook dinner. Again, I am a winner. This was the second night in a row!
  • Nap for three hours. I love napping, and this was most excellent.
  • Sulk about the job market.
  • Enter the Denver Post Sweepstakes. Five times. If the economy is going to suck, I have to be creative. I intend to make a living with pennies-at-a-time services that pay me to look at ads, entering sweepstakes, and the lotto. Again, you should probably wish me luck.

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