Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A sign I saw today

Walking down the hall of my liberal law school today, I spied the following on a sign:
"Being a victim is a choice. Don't make it yours."
And it was signed by some group advocating concealed weapons. Apparently, if you don't carry a concealed weapon, you are a victim. Better yet, you have chosen to be a victim. But if you carry a gun, you will not be a victim. Which is funny, because I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that those who own guns are more likely to be shot in a robbery etc. Boy, those right-wingers must be right. I'ma go git me a gun, so's I don't have to choose to be a victim. If owning a gun means that I won't get raped (surely the guy wanting to mug me/rape me/rob me will just know that I'm packing heat, and he won't bother me). Also, when they see my car parked on the street and think of stealing it, they'll just somehow know that it's owner has a gun and will track them down and shoot them, and my car won't get stolen. Deterrence, I tell ya.

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