Tuesday, October 2, 2007

free radiohead

So I just went online and bought the new Radiohead album "In Rainbows" for free. I'm sure that this is not news to you, but I still think it's pretty cool. You go on to their website, choose your option (discbox or download), and then you pick your price. So you can pay, or not pay, or whatever you want. Then you complete the transaction like any other internet purchase. Except that since I chose zero GBP as my price, they didn't ask for credit card information. And now I get Radiohead's new cd on October 10. I am very excited. You can read more here.

Note: I thought it would be nice to pay at least something so I'm not just another freeloading asshole, but I'm in class and it's not nice to pull out your credit card when sitting in the second row. Plus, I could have picked some dollar amount with soothing numbers that I like, but like I said, I'm sitting in class and I am incapable of waiting; I need instant gratification.

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