Tuesday, October 2, 2007

the most famous custody battle of this year

Mostly, I just wanted to post something because I'm bored in class. Britney is losing custody of her kids, which should shock no one. Least of all her. You can't violate EVERY order given to you by a judge (blantantly and in the public eye) and expect sympathy. Judges read the news too, and maybe the tabloids even. She may be severely mentally ill (and I'm inclined to think she is), but she can't still be alive and be this stupid. I am really struggling to understand her whole thing. Naked in front of bodyguards (good thing they had instructions to "act coy" when she does that), drugs with Howie Day, all the infamous car seat/lack of car seat stuff, trashing a house she was touring with a realtor, that awesome OK Magazine photo shoot with the dog pooping on the dress etc., and so on and so forth. What the hell is going on here?

Editor's Note: Apparently, some see the revocation of custody as a big shock that no one saw coming. Who are these people? And are they blind?

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