Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Creepy New Obsession (Diamonds, part 1)

Well, it's not that creepy. The NY Times was running a pretty blue ad (you know the blue) for the new Tiffany's website. So I had to click. But then all I wanted to look at were engagement rings (check out the Nova, but with a much smaller diamond...). Then, of course, I started thinking about fair trade diamonds. NOWHERE on the Tiffany's site could I find information about the origin of the diamonds. Lots and lots of info about how they are the best diamonds ever, but can they be if children died for them? Maybe that makes them better for some people. But not me. So today, I googled "Free trade diamond engagement ring." Zero results. Then, "Free trade diamond" "engagement ring." Five results. This is very disappointing. Anyhow, since I foresee this as being an ongoing obsession, here is a link to one useful article. If nothing else, I suppose it's good to have it archived. After all, if this is all I can find in the wake of the movie Blood Diamond, once that fades from the public view, I won't be able to find anything at all. And I must have a fair trade diamond engagement ring. I wonder if Tiffany's would set my own diamond?

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